Welcome to Day Made Fresh! I’m Katie. I’m a teacher mom trying to help make each day better than the one before.
Day Made Fresh is a place for you to find helpful tips and tricks to make your life a little easier. If you’re new here check out some of my top posts below:
Need help with classroom management? Click here.
Are you a teacher mom? Click here.
Looking for general parenting information? Click here.
A little about me…

Hi, I’m Katie.
I married my wonderful husband Barry in 2015. We have a daughter Anne and a son Alex. We also have a dog, a cat, and a handful of fish.
I have a master’s in reading and I’ve been teaching since 2010. I have experience working with elementary students with high needs and challenging behaviors.
I love being a mommy, but it’s been quite the learning curve!
I know what it feels like trying to find a balance between work and home.
I know how easy it can be to second guess if you’re doing enough.
ANy of these thoughts sound familiar?
“How am I ever going to get all this done? I’m so overwhelemed by my to do list…”
“I’m not a good teacher, why can’t I reach Johnny. He threw a chair and broke things again when he got angry.”
“I spend more time with my students than my own kids. Am I doing enough as a mom?’
“My husband must dread coming home. We spent our whole evening cleaning instead of relaxing. Why can’t we keep the house neat.”
Instead of trying for perfection and feeling like we are constantly failing. We can take small steps to make each day better than the one before. Because each day is a day made fresh…
Use the resources here to help you make the small changes you’re looking for in your life.
So Now What…
Need help with classroom management? Download a FREE set of classroom management checklists to help guide you through developing a classroom management plan and more.
If you’re a teacher mom you’ll want to download the FREE Stress Less Teacher Mom Checklists. These checklists can help protect you from mom brain and make your everyday life a little easier.
Wondering where the name Day Made Fresh comes from?
It comes from one of my favorite books Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montogomery. My personal goal is to learn from my mistakes and to have a growth mindset attitude. I have always felt a certain kinship with Anne because of all the mistakes she makes. Even with all her mishaps, she doesn’t give up on working towards her dreams.
At one point Anne tells Marilla, “Isn’t it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet?” I have kept this quote close to my heart. Especially, on days that I feel I have failed in some way. It helps me remember that no matter how many mistakes I make….tomorrow is a DAY MADE FRESH.
How can I help you make each day better? Please reach out and contact me.