We all want to have a well-run classroom that allows us to teach and allows students to learn. Sometimes you need a little boost to make that happen. The right classroom management resources and tools can make that possible.
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Classroom management resources and tools can make your classroom run smoothly.

Here’s a list of must-have classroom management tools and resources:
Attention Getters- Getting your students’ attention and having them respond by becoming quiet and ready to listen is one of the keys to having strong classroom management. It limits distractions and can be especially helpful on a field trip or even in an emergency. I’ve learned to have a few in my toolbox. For a while, I’ve used “Class, Class” and students respond with “Yes, Yes” mimicking how I said it. I’ve also started saying “Mac & Cheese” and the students say, “Everybody Freeze!” This year I’ve added a wireless doorbell. I like that it saves my voice and carries over loud group discussions. I’m still going to keep my call and answer attention getters, so I can get their focus outside or on field trips.
Student Reflection Forms- Students make mistakes and need help thinking through their choices. It is also beneficial to have them make a plan for success in the future. Student Behavior Reflection forms are a great resource to help you teach students appropriate behavior. They also help them take ownership of their choices.
Related Post: How to Use Behavior Reflection Forms with Students
Student Check Sheets- If students need a more individualized plan you can use Student check sheets with them. These are a great way to help reinforce the behaviors you want. You can also track student growth on the behavior skill you are focusing on. You can get a free set of student check sheets here. If you want more student check sheets you can get the Ultimate Check Sheet Bundle in my Teachers Pay Teachers store. It has behavior check sheets, check sheets to help students with work completion, and editable versions of the check sheets so you can customize them to your specific students.
Related Post: Student Behavior Check Sheets Help Develop Missing Skills
Sensory Tools- Some challenging student behaviors come from the inability to regulate themselves. One way to help students like this is to have a calm spot with sensory tools… Or you can have sensory tools on hand for students to use. This Sensory Fidget Toys Bundle is a great starter kit. You never know what will work for each student. I found the key is to teach students that they are tools not toys. If they become toys then the student no longer gets the object.
Wireless Keyboard- A wireless keyboard with a built-in touchpad has been a game-changer. There are so many online programs that need to be projected on a screen for student learning. If you need to use your computer keyboard to run the programs you can end up tethered to your desks. This lowers student and teacher engagement. Having a wireless keyboard gives you the freedom to move around the room and keep everyone engaged. You can even get the students involved.
Clear Sheets- Tired of making millions of copies of worksheets you use over and over again with your students? Then you need to use clear sheets. I use these for so many things. One way to use them is to limit the number of copies you have to make. You do this by creating worksheets that are reusable and slipping them in a clear sheet. Students then use a dry erase marker on the clear sheet. This way they can be reused day after day. You can even use these heavy-duty clear sheets/ dry erase pockets as personal whiteboards.
Related Post: Why You Need A Classroom Management Plan
It takes trial and error, but you eventually find what works for you. I hope you found something new to take back to your classroom. What are your must-have classroom management resources and tools? Comment below and share what helps you most!